

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Frau Blucher ...

Does anyone remember their first car...motorcycle...? Remember the time you decided to do your own break job on your car, because you couldn't afford to go to the mechanic... and the breaks actually worked. You only found out afterwards that you shouldn't have used that wire brush to dust all that asbestos™ out of the calipers and into your lungs...well...it's time to take a guitar apart. Which one? They are all your babies... so which one do you do a Dr Frankenstein on? Come on... it's the only way we all learn. I actually thought about doing it the other day... but the first time you do it, there are always a few extra missing parts, and the first experiment is sort of a write-off... like when Frankie leaves the castle and goes to town looking for fun. Nobody is going to chase you with pitchforks though on this one... just take that Squire™ and a screwdriver and start takin' it apart... then you will actually know what goes where. That is how Eddie made his guitar... it might have been the other 2 'Frankenstrats' never made it back to the stage. So... my suggestion for the weekend... everyone off to the lab... (by the way, Frau Blucher is in 'Young Frankenstein'.... see it tonight).