

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Sleeping Beauty...

I just read in a Fender Stratocaster book I have that a vintage instrument...if not played, will die (musically). I know this is true when it comes to things like old Violins... I have heard story's of old concert violins that were put in a closet and left for 80 years...when they went to sleep they were beautiful (tonally), but when they woke up, they were 'all-gone man'. I don't believe this is true with solid-body (SOLID BODY) electric guitars. Why? The sheer number (enough to make this point work) of early 50's telecasters that were purchased new, played for a few lessons, and put under a bed for 40 years or more. There is one in "The Blackguard Book"... no checking in the finish, just like new. All the metal shines... and guess what... it apparently plays wonderfully (after it's long sleep).