

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Great Screaming Bluesy Pickups with Lots of Funk

What's your pickup? I have boxes full of pickups in my closet... John Birch Humbuckers, re-wound GVCG tele pickups, wound by Lindy Fralin... brand new Lollar pickups... you name it... I even had some tv jones pickups, until I realized they were not my specific taste... but if I suddenly change my tune, and need them, I can always go to their website. Brian Setzer (who's music I really like), Billy Gibbons (ZZ Rocks), Brad Paisley (!), David Gilmour and Joe Walsh have been known to use them.  Also the Arctic Monkeys... my favorite pickups are Tele pickups wound by Abigail Ybarra (who has been at Fender since the 50's... initially she worked in another department, then went to pickup winding).  She does Tele pickups (currently NOT available except on John Cruz Tele's and also the Jeff Beck series.  She also does 60's Strat sets, which are available separately).  I also love Lollars... and if anyone out there has any crazy Texas pickups you want me to try, I'd love to give it a go... my Tele's love great screaming bluesy pickups with lots of funk...