

Friday, November 13, 2009

Home Cookin' Good

I just purchased a BJFE Candy Apple Fuzz. It sounds truly home grown, home cookin' great. That said, I went out and also purchased a Harman Germanium Fuzz pedal too. I read a great review here... Karl (the author) points out that though he is crazy about the BJFe pedal line, he still opted to keep his Hartman Germanium Pedal(Steve Stevens is a lover of Hartman pedals too), and sell the BJFe. To quote Karl " I’m told that pedalboards are about tone, and that I should be keeping the pedals that sound the best. I’m seriously wondering right now if I shouldn’t just be picking the coolest-looking, rarest, and most handmade-looking-magic-mojo pedals. Would my rig be less toneful? Maybe. Would it be cooler? Absolutely". The BJFe is a boutique pedal, and so are Way Huge .. another great pedal (I like the originals from the 90's)... There is no doubt BJFe makes amazing pedals... they cost more than some other pedals... and yes, great eye appeal and that neat handwriting on the front by his wife and the great paint jobs is the first thing you see. I just spent $400+ on my BJFe Candy Apple Fuzz... and $187 on my Hartman Germanium Fuzz. I would say you could certainly put them in a boxing ring together and they can duke it out (like Gearmanndude does with his pedal collection). The BJFe sounds amazingly warm and original and might benefit from some stacking too (Bjorn recommends stacking). Many well-known artists stack BJFe's on their pedalboards and use them to come up with tones that define their playing. I will keep both ... and sell something else I own, not musically useful. Check them out for yourself though...Hartman Germanium.. and BJFe... and you decide. I still also love the smaller size of BJFe pedals too, as many other guitar pedals are bigger on your board... whilst Mr Bjorn's pedals are short and compact... and as I said, very well made. You can get them at CustomSounds (in Finland) who love to ship to the US.