

Thursday, November 5, 2009


What is a Dumble Amp? I have heard a lot about these amps over the past couple years. He is rumored to build amps that cannot be discribed in
mortal words... I never really followed up on what Dumble was all about... until today. He has been building his amps for
many years. If you go to this link here... you can read a lot of rumors. Stories include odd clauses in your build contract (when you order the amp) that specify that if you call Mr Dumble before he is done building your amp, he keeps the amp. There is also another story that you must make your own shipping arrangements, and then send someone to Mr Dumble's door with a specially built box to pick your amp up (when it is ready). Prices are spoken of in urban-legend-type-tones... and supposedly range from $2500 (if you don't mind waiting... probably a long time)... to $5000 (for faster service... maybe, I am guessing, still in your lifetime)... to $15,000 (rumored... but possibly untrue). Wikipedia says his amps are now worth roughly the price of a condo in Florida, and there are still only a few hundred out there (to date). Since the 1980's he has been sealing his circuitry in some sort of 'goop' to prevent people trying to copy his secrets. Someone joked online that you have a better chance of making friends with John Mayer (who owns most of the Dumble amps out there supposedly)... and having him randomly give you
a Dumble... that of actually getting Dumble to build you one... As you know (if you read my posts) I am a follower and player of Louis Electric Amps, and own an early KR12, and a Buster Amp. I find my Louis Amps all I could ever want... but who knows... maybe one day I'll also have a Dumble (as long as I can resist calling him of course, before it is ready).... I guess I should also start saving. Someone on-line says that your best bet (remaining in reality here folks) is to get yourself a Kelley amp if you can find one, if you love the sound of a Dumble (and probably John Mayer).... also apparently try Two Rock Amps... they managed to get the 'goop' off a Dumble and find out what goes into them... apparently John Mayer agrees... he sent them his credit card. Buy a Two Rock 'Jet' Amp here. For further Dumble research... you can go here. Also, if you really want a Dumble, but lack 55K lying around your house.... maybe buy a Zendrive... for more info on these great pedals known as "Dumble In A Box" go here.