

Friday, August 21, 2009

Looker or Player???

A certain-famous-ex-lead-guitar-player is selling his #1 Guitar... a pink 1956 Fender Tele. It's definitely a player. What I mean is... this guitar will truly sound amazing. I'll take a player over a looker any day. A looker is a really neat guitar that has great eye-candy-appeal, but maybe sounds like cr*p.
Well, ok... it can't sound like cr*p, but maybe it sounds like 'any other guitar' you might find any day of the week at your local guitar store. I currently own two lookers... and wish I had two players instead. My question though is... do you have to pay big dollar for the player? If you want that specific sound, and you know so-and-so is selling his player..and you want that sound... you might have to put up your money, but the best way is to put in the time to try out guitars for sale... at pawn shops, used-equipment stores.. you name it. When you pull into town in Nebraska to see your Uncle, maybe ask where that local used-guitar store/ pawn shop is... and put in that time test-playing. I know for a fact that 'that-certain-well-known-lead-players' guitar is listed on Ebay at 40K right now... you can do a lot better (I think) if you put in a little time looking for some treasure currently waiting (with your name on it)... It's out there somewhere... and by the way... that is exactly the way that lead guitarist selling his pink '56 Tele found his guiar... walking into a second-hand store in Hollywood 25 years ago.