

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Glitter Paint, Chuck Berry and Rewinds

Beautiful, retro, wacky or tacky...all words people have used to describe Sparkle Finish guitars.  Personally... I love 'em, even though they're a little tacky.  A few guitars I found on-line that have come in sparkle finish are: Green Sparkle Les Pauls, a 1962 Jaguar in Pink Sparkle (indeed a retro favorite), and of course, Brian Setzer's Champagne Sparkle Gretsch.   It's also called 'Glitter Paint' and is found as drum finishes too.  Sparkly guitars are definitely as much of a contention as our current election process... one person's dream guitar in Sparkle Gold finish (think late 50's, and some Chuck Berry-type gathering)... is another person's train wreck.  As it happens, I am having a Versoul Guitar built in Champagne Sparkle... with a humbucker from Jonathan of GVCG fame... I got it off one of his old guitars, when it needed a rewind... and Lindy Fralin did the work on it.  More on this little number later... Versoul guitars are the new weapon of choice by none-other than the likes of Mr Keith Richards himself....