

Friday, January 18, 2008

Cocoa Pebbles

Are we, as late thirties into the forties rockers finally doing it? Are we the first generation in hundreds of years to keep our childhoods alive and well into our 60's, like Jagger? (I didn't say childish... though most women I have known might disagree). I don't do drugs and I don't smoke, but I do sugar. Ice cream isn't just for desert anymore, it can be any time of my day. How many sitcoms do you watch where some 40-ish guy is chugging down Coco Pebbles or Tony the Tiger's Favorite? Did my Dad ever behave like this? Did my Dad get tattoos, wear sneakers and jeans with holes in (both the sneakers and the jeans). Did he continue to dress the same at 40 as when he was 17? Did he skateboard well into his 30's? To answer this question, first we must find out what my Dad was doing when HE was 17. That was the early 50's...leisure wear was in... but...er... that was what Dad was wearing when I grew up with him (and HE was 40). So...sorry... nothing new here. Dad probably also went to see Sinatra (same way we see the Stones or EVH), and as he looked out over the greying crowd, he probably thought he was cool, and keeping his youth alive... difference is, I never needed to go see Sinatra as a kid... or Porgy and Bess... and why WAS that record album in their collection....?