

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

If I Ain't Sick....

If I'm not sick, I don't believe in doctors. They actually do not exist. Why not? Well... that is actually almost every guy friend's attitude I know, including my own. Why get myself poked and siphoned, if nothing is there right now? Preventive maintenance... hogwash! That (it appears) is also most musician's attitude towards their guitars. I just bought a wonderful 80's Strat, of which I will rave as time goes on... got it from a real musician too... it also needed a refret. It also looked like the string grooves in the nut had been filed a bit, since the frets got lower, and the nut needed to be filed to match. Did it still play great...? Of course it did. Was anything wrong with how it sounded? Not at all.... not yet. The jack plug also cut out when the cable moved in a certain way... so whoever was playing it just sat down, and didn't move the guitar too much, in relation to that cable... and it never cut out. Total bill to fix it all properly was $410... and the guy was fantastic... the best luthier I know (Performance Guitar, Hollywood) took care of it. I just took another guitar I purchased from a playing musician to him too... it played fine... but three frets were loose. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" seems to be the musician's motto here... and I don't mean physically broken... that's ok, as long as it doesn't effect how it plays... especially if the toilet just broke again at home, and the paperclip job on the toilet chain in the tank just isn't working anymore, and the plumber wants $$$.