

Monday, November 5, 2007

Who's Flying this thing?

... and I'm not talking about the Flying 'V'...Does anyone remember wanting a guitar...and not caring if it was a Fender or a Gibson? (I think I was 13). By 16 I wanted a Fender Stratocaster (didn't everyone?). My friend wanted a Les Paul. First guitar he managed new was an Epiphone. I got a second hand Strat from a friend, that he had 'modified'. We all move on from this to developing a desire for specific pickups, switches and even tuners and bridges. If we are smart... we avoid the other 'cosmetic' modifications (Eddie VanHalen excepted). After this, we plug in to an amp, and load up on the pedals. We play with the pedals until we get tons of reverb and overdrive, and maybe some chorus too, and then we seem to be happy. Many do not evolve beyond this point, and then we go to our graves that way, with our cold, dead hands clasping our guitars. Many... including well-known performers (and not so well known ones).. like Bruce Springsteen, Jimmy Page and Jeff Beck, also decide to get to know the inside of their amps... how they work (the TUBE ones)... and what thingumbob can be changed for another doohiccus, and then come up with a signature sound...that paired with their favourite axes leads to a 'signature sound'...for a truly customized combination.... (not unlike the guy with the 1975 Blue Sparkle Trans Am with the wing... ok, let's not go there....)... so read up, learn about tubes and electronics... and find a whole new world down the rabbit hole...