

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Loafers and Guitars....

Do you remember as a kid having a pair of loafers... it took ages to get them 'broken in' just right... then they had mojo...they also needed servicing. So you or your parents took them in to the shoe man... who promptly got rid of all the mojo for you. It appears that guy now works as your local luthier. My friend took his neck in for new frets, and asked the guy to leave the mojo on it. The guy couldn't resist sanding it down 'like new'. Now his guitar sits in a corner somewhere (like the pair of loafers I had). I also just took my 'relic' guitar in for new strings. I asked that the fretboard be left alone... since the relicing might be affected. Guess what... got it back the other day... ok, it doesn't look brand new... but half the mojo is gone. So watch out everyone... maybe it's best to hold on to the loafers as they are!